JGoodies Animation Release Notes CHANGES IN 1.5.0 ----------------------------------------------------- o Moved to Java 7. o Compiled against the JGoodies Common 1.9. CHANGES IN 1.4.3 ----------------------------------------------------- o Compiled against the JGoodies Common 1.5. o Source code cleanup. o Fixed and extended the pom.xml: - added schema - fixed scope for dependencies - added Maven Central deployer - added build data CHANGES IN 1.4.2 ----------------------------------------------------- o Recompiled against JGoodies Common 1.4. CHANGES IN 1.4.1 ----------------------------------------------------- o The javadocs, main and test sources are delivered as JARs. o Renamed property constants from PROPERTYNAME_* to PROPERTY_* CHANGES IN 1.4.0 ----------------------------------------------------- Requires Java 6 and the JGoodies Common 1.3. Moved to Java 6. CHANGES IN 1.3.0 ----------------------------------------------------- This release is binary incompatible with previous releases. The topics are: support for and benefit from Java 5, API cleanup, new package organization. CHANGES IN 1.2.0 ----------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION This release fixes two bugs, ships with an overhauled tutorial, and comes in a new distribution format. BUGS FIXED o Incorrect sector computation in linear interpolations. o Animator startTime is set too early, so that animations with a short duration may never get started and stopped. CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE COMPATIBILITY O AnimatedLabel#animationEnabled -> AnimatedLabel#animated DISTRIBUTION CHANGES The sources now ship in the directory structure used by the CVS. This makes it easier to build the distribution using ANT. If you want to attach the library sources in an IDE, point to folder 'src/core'. OTHER CHANGES: o Corrected implementation title and vendor in the JAR manifest. o Fixed broken package information in the JAR manifest. o Added project name tag to the ANT build file. o Set 'build.compile.source' and 'build.compile.target' to '1.4' in the default.properties; build.xml honors the source setting. o Tutorial cleanup. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below the change history for older releases. JGoodies Animation, Version 1.1.3 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This maintenance release is primarily a documentation cleanup. OTHER CHANGES: o Fixed typo in Intro demo. o Added JavaDoc @version tags to all classes. o Added JavaDoc @see tags to many class comments. o AnimatedLabel#getText now synchronized. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below the change history for older releases. JGoodies Animation, Version 1.1.2 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This maintenance release is primarily a documentation cleanup. And since this version the Animation framework requires Java 1.4. NEW FEATURES o Main: AnimationFunctions.linearColor BUGS FIXED o The background in AnimatedLabel is now transparent. OTHER CHANGES o Added package.html files. o Added many JavaDoc @param tags. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below the change history for older releases. JGoodies Animation, Version 1.1.1 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This release just adds a preliminary version of the AnimatedLabel. NEW FEATURES o Main: Added preliminary version of the AnimatedLabel OTHER CHANGES o Documented empty blocks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below the change history for older releases. JGoodies Animation, Version 1.1 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This release contains minor bug fixes and brings more documentation. DISTRIBUTION CHANGES o Library sources ship as a single ZIP file o Documentation changed to HTML o Added a test infrastructure and a few tests o Added the Intro example o Removed example code from the library jar BUGS FIXED o Incorrect rounding in interpolations --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0.9 (July-17-2003) o Code is now available under the BSD license o Packaging reflects the new license o Library jar is unobfuscated o Library jar is unsigned o Build overhauled