JGoodies Data Binding Release Notes CHANGES IN 2.32.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Added Bindings#bind(JList, ListModel, ListSelectionModel). CHANGES IN 2.31.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Added SelectionInList#setListWithoutClearingSelection that sets a new list without an intermediate clearing of the selection. This is the behavior that #setList had before the fix in 2.29.2. o Fixed JavaDocs. CHANGES IN 2.30.1 -------------------------------------------------------- o Source cleanup. o Added package infos. o Removed web references from the HTML docs. CHANGES IN 2.30.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Added IndirectListModel#setListItems(E...). CHANGES IN 2.29.2 -------------------------------------------------------- o FIX: ComboBoxAdapter reports invalid selection to JComboBox when firing list changes. The fix changes the behavior of the SelectionInList with an underlying List: the selection is cleared before the List change is reported to listeners; finally it tries to restore the selection. The behavior is unchanged if the SelectionInList is built with an underlying ListModel. o Added ComboBoxAdapter tests. CHANGES IN 2.29.1 -------------------------------------------------------- o Source cleanup. CHANGES IN 2.29.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Source cleanup. o Recompiled against JGoodies Common 1.23.0. CHANGES IN 2.28.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o The FastPropertyAccessorProviderDraft has left the draft status and has been renamed to FastPropertyAccessorProvider. CHANGES IN 2.27.1 -------------------------------------------------------- o Test source cleanup. CHANGES IN 2.27.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Added type conversions as default implementations to the ValueModel interface. o Removed these type conversions from the AbstractValueModel class. o Migrated tests to JUnit 5. CHANGES IN 2.26.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Added a BindingConverter implementation to ConverterFactory: IntegerToDoubleConverter. CHANGES IN 2.25.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Added two BindingConverter implementations to ConverterFactory: LocalDateToDateConverter, and LocalDateTimeToDateConverter. o Updated the pom.xml: build version is 1.8, removed dead links. CHANGES IN 2.24.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Moved BeanUtils and its exception types to JGoodies Common. CHANGES IN 2.23.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o The implementation uses more method references. o Fixed memory leak in BeanAdapter, PropertyAdapter, and PresentationModel that affects adapters with a custom bean channel that lives longer than the adapter. o Added tests for memory leaks in BeanAdapter, PropertyAdapter, and PresentationModel. o Added a ConverterValueModel constructor with functions: ConverterValueModel(ValueModel, Function, Function) CHANGES IN 2.22.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o DelayedPropertyChangeHandler is a concrete class. o The implementation uses more Java 8 features. CHANGES IN 2.21.0 (Java 8) ----------------------------------------------- o Moved to Java 8. CHANGES IN 2.20.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Removed the deprecated methods from PresentationModel that have been replaced by the following methods in the previous version: #setEnabled (boolean, String...) #setEditable(boolean, String...) #setVisible (boolean, String...) CHANGES IN 2.19.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Added a few methods to PresentationModel regarding the lookup and state change of multiple component value models: #getComponentModel(String...) #setEnabled (boolean, String...) #setEditable(boolean, String...) #setVisible (boolean, String...) CHANGES IN 2.18.1 -------------------------------------------------------- o A few JavaDocs describe the behavior more precisely. o Source code improvements. o Added a missing synchronized modifier. o PropertyAdapter#release and BeanAdapter#release reset the stored old bean to null. CHANGES IN 2.18.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Removed the internal IActionPresentationModel interface. o Changed the superclass for several beans from Model to Bean. CHANGES IN 2.17.2 -------------------------------------------------------- o Improved JavaDocs. CHANGES IN 2.17.1 -------------------------------------------------------- o Changed the license. CHANGES IN 2.17.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Uncommented the ensure-notification-in-EDT feature in the ExtendedPropertyChangeSupport. o Replaced an unchecked type case (to ExtendedPropertyChangeSupport) in class Model by a safe cast. CHANGES IN 2.16.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Removed all deprecated classes: - Action binder interfaces and their implementations - ColorSelectionAdapter - BasicComponentFactory If you cannot easily replace references to these classes, you may add their sources from version 2.15 to your project. CHANGES IN 2.15.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o The ConverterFactory's BindingConverter implementations are public. o Introduced the ValueModelBindable interface that can add custom bindings to the binders without a need to extend the binding builder class hierarchy. For example: binder.bindBeanProperty("organization").to( new FieldSearchBindable(organizationField, completionManager)); o Added a binding from ValueModelBinder to a bean's property. o Fixed JavaDoc HTML. CHANGES IN 2.14.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Moved to Java 7. o Generified references to ListModel, JList, ComboBoxModel, JComboBox. o Moved the deprecated Action binding to com.jgoodies.binding.legacy. Class com.jgoodies.binding.legacy.Binders provides the deprecated API. The class com.jgoodies.binding.binder.Binders offers only the data binding API. CHANGES IN 2.13.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Marked classes as deprecated that have been replaced before. These classes shall be removed from a future library version. CHANGES IN 2.12.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Minor implementation improvement in BeanBinderImpl's generic types. CHANGES IN 2.11.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o More strict test for the meta-option text that represents null in combo box bindings; it must not be empty or whitespace. o Updated docs. o Requires JGoodies Common 1.8. CHANGES IN 2.10.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Generified BindingConverter. o Added ActionBindingBuilder#to(JComboBox). o Added PresentationModel#setComponentEditable(String, boolean). o Added PresentationModel#setComponentEnabled(String, boolean). o Added PresentationModel#setComponentVisible(String, boolean). o Performance improvement in BeanUtils. o PropertyAccessor messages regarding missing getter or setters provide details about the bean, bean class and missing method. o Attempts to read or write a bean property that fail due to a missing (or non-public) reader or writer now throw a PropertyAccessException not an UnsupportedOperationException. o Improved JavaDocs. CHANGES IN 2.9.0 -------------------------------------------------------- This version adds support for binding sorted JTables. It is binary compatible with previous versions. However, there's a significant change in the behavior of the binding to sorted tables. If a JTable has a RowSorter, its selection model reflects the table's sort state. In other words, sorting modifies the selection indices. This makes it difficult to share ListSelectionModels for multiple sorted JTables. In previous Binding versions Bindings.bind(table, listModel, listSelectionModel) set the given listSelectionModel directly to the table's. Sorting the table via the standard RowSorter mechanism has modified this selection model's indices. Since version 2.9 Bindings.bind(table, listModel, listSelectionModel) sets a TableRowSorterListSelectionModel as the table's selection model that is then synchronized with the given listSelectionModel. Sorting the table keeps the listSelectionModel's indices stable. Migration info: If you don't use the JTable RowSorter mechanism, you're done. If you bind to sorted tables without the Bindings class or Binder feature, you're done too. Only if you bind via Bindings or the Binder feature to JTables that use RowSorters, you should be aware that the indices of bound ListSelectionModels do no longer change on sort operations. Likely you can remove code that maps sorted indices to unsorted ones. CHANGES IN 2.8.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Since this version is compiled against the JGoodies Common 1.5 all Bean and Model subclasses do not serialize listeners. o Removed the deprecated AbstractConverter class that has been replaced by the BindingConverter and ConverterValueModel before. o Removed deprecated constants, that have been replaced before, e.g. PROPERTYNAME_XXX -> PROPERTY_XXX o Reduced the former public visibility to protected for methods PresentationModel#beforeBeanChange and #afterBeanChange. o Added PresentationModel#onBeanChanging and #onBeanChanged. o Source code cleanup. o Fixed and extended the pom.xml: - added schema - fixed scope for dependencies - added Maven Central deployer - added build data CHANGES IN 2.7.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Added the BindingConverter interface that describes objects that convert binding source values to binding target values and vice versa. o Added ValueModelBindingBuilder#converted(BindingConverter) that is similar but more general than #formatted(Format). For example, you can write: binder.bindBeanProperty("price") .converted(currencyConverter) .to(priceField); o Added ConverterValueModel that wraps a ValueModel and converts values using a BindingConverter. o The conversion classes provided by the ConverterFactory have been rewritten to implement the BindingConverter interface. These classes are public and can be used o Marked AbstractConverter as deprecated. This class will be removed from a future library version. o Added ObjectBinder#bind(Object[], ListSelectionModel). o Slightly overhauled the binder mechanism: - added ActionObjectBinderImpl (from JSDL Sandbox) - added ActionBeanBinderImpl (from JSDL Sandbox) - added ActionPresentationModelImpl (from JSDL Sandbox) - replaced BasicBinders by the Binders (from JSDL Sandbox) - added internal interfaces for classes not included in this lib: ActionObject, ActionBean, and ActionPresentationModel o Added Bindings#bind(JComboBox, ComboBoxModel, String nullText). o Added ObjectBinder.bind(ComboBoxModel).to(aComboBox) and ObjectBinder.bind(ComboBoxModel).to(aComboBox, aNullText). CHANGES IN 2.6.1 -------------------------------------------------------- o Added the PresentationModel() constructor that sets a null bean. o Renamed property constants from PROPERTYNAME_* to PROPERTY_* o The javadocs, main and test sources are delivered as JARs. CHANGES IN 2.6.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Requires Java 6 and the JGoodies Common 1.3. o Removed deprecated property constant names from ComponentValueModel that have been replaced by the same constants in ComponentModel before. CHANGES IN 2.5.1 -------------------------------------------------------- This maintenance update comes with minor implementation improvements and slightly better documentation. CHANGES IN 2.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------- Added the interfaces ActionObjectBinder, ActionBeanBinder, and ActionPresentationModelBinder that add binding capabilities for Action names to ObjectBinder, BeanBinder, PresentationModelBinder. Implementations will typically look up an Action for a given action name and hand it over to the Action-instance binding of an ObjectBinder implementation. The library does not contain implementations, because there's no popular and public standard that describes and implements how to look up an Action for a name. A popular approach is the JSR 296 (Swing Application Framework) that enables developers to annotate methods with @Action that then can be requested for a target object and an action name. Since the JGoodies implementation of the JSR 296 (the JGoodies "Application" library) is not available to the general public, the JGoodies Application-based implementations of the above interfaces are not part of the Binding library. However, the new binder interfaces reduce the effort to integrate your custom Action-lookup and binder mechanism that may be based on the JSR 296 or any other Action name registry. CHANGES IN 2.4.1 -------------------------------------------------------- o ComponentModel extends ObservableBean2 instead of ObservableBean. o Changed the return type for PresentationModel#getComponentModel and #getBufferedComponentModel to AbstractWrappedValueModel which implements ComponentValueModel but provides more features. CHANGES IN 2.4.0 -------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION This version is binary incompatible with previous releases and converters behave slightly different due to a new feature. However, the vast majority of API users won't be affected by these changes and can use this update as a compatible version. CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE COMPATIBILITY o Removed ValueModelBindingBuilder#converted(AbstractConverter) o Renamed ValueModelBindingBuilder#converted(Format) to #formatted. o ComponentValueModel is now an interface. o The old ComponentValueModel implementation has been overhauled and is now available as DefaultComponentValueModel. o AbstractConverter extends ComponentValueModel. o AbstractConverter listens to enabled/visible/editable changes, if the wrapped model is a ComponentValueModel o The binding to check boxes, check box menu items, radio buttons, and radio button menu items has been generalized. The Bindings class as well as ValueModelBindingBuilder now accept general AbstractButtons instead of JCheckBox/JRadioButton. The binding style (check box vs. radio choice) depends on the number of parameters; the radio style has the choice parameter. - Bindings#bind(JCheckBox, ValueModel) is now #bind(AbstractButton, ValueModel). - Bindings#bind(JRadioButton, ValueModel, Object choice) is now #bind(AbstractButton, ValueModel, Object choice). - ValueModelBindingBuilder#to(JCheckBox) became #to(AbstractButton). - ValueModelBindingBuilder#to(JRadioButton, Object) became #to(AbstractButton, Object). NEW FEATURES o Added the ComponentModel interface. o Added AbstractWrappedValueModel. o BeanBinder accepts general beans (required AbstractBean before). o Added check box style binding via Bindings#bind(AbstractButton, Object selectedValue, Object deselectedValue) and bind*(*).to(anAbstractButton, selectedValue, deselectedValue) OTHER CHANGES o Declared methods as static where possible. CHANGES IN 2.3.0 -------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION This version is backwards compatible with previous releases. It adds a new mechanism to bind bean properties, presentation model properties, SelectionInLists, and Actions to components, see package com.jgoodies.binding.binder. You can now write: PresentationModelBinder binder = new PresentationModelBinderImpl(model); // A property of the presentation model binder.bindProperty("synthetic").to(aComponent); // Bean properties binder.bindBeanProperty(PROPERTY_TITLE) .to(titleField); binder.bindBeanProperty(PROPERTY_CLASSICAL).to(classicalBox); binder.bindBeanProperty(PROPERTY_ALIGNMENT).to(leftRadio, LEFT); // SelectionInLists binder.bindBeanProperty(PROPERTY_SELECTION) .asSelectionIn(SELECTION_VALUES) .to(aComboBox); binder.bind(aSelectionInList) .to(aComboBox) binder.bind(aSelectionInList) .to(aList) binder.bind(aSelectionInList) .to(aTable // Actions binder.bind(anAction).to(aButton); binder.bind(anAction).to(aTextField); OTHER CHANGES o Added Bindings#bind(JComboBox, SelectionInList, String nullText) that binds the combo box to a list with an optional element that is mapped to null and displayed with the given nullText. CHANGES IN 2.2.2 -------------------------------------------------------- This update fixes a minor bug with missing content changes in the LinkedListModel list iterator. CHANGES IN 2.2.1 -------------------------------------------------------- This update fixes a critical bug with missing table events in the AbstractTableAdapter that has been introduced in 2.2.0. CHANGES IN 2.2.0 -------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION This maintenance release is a cleanup release where deprecated classes have been removed. Also, it enables a faster lookup of bean classes that have no associated BeanInfo class - as is the case in almost all domain classes. CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE COMPATIBILITY o Removed BeanUtils#getValue(Object) o Removed BeanUtils#setValue(Object, PropertyDescriptor) o Removed BeanUtils#getPropertyDescriptor o Replaced Observable with ObservableBean from Common 1.1. NEW FEATURES o Added support for binding table's to ListModels. - introduced the ListModelBindable interface - AbstractTableAdapter implement ListModelBindable - added Bindings#bind(JTable, SelectionInList) - added Bindings#bind(JTable, ListModel, ListSelectionModel) - added BasicComponentFactory#createTable o Added a feature for faster bean property lookup. Useful if no bean info classes are used and so the class lookup can be omitted. To setup the faster lookup call PropertyAccessors' #setProvider(new FastPropertyAccessorProviderDraft()); The latter ships with the source code extras. o Added BeanAdapter.SimplePropertyAdapter#fireChange(Object, Object). o PropertyAdapter and BeanAdapter are serializable. OTHER CHANGES o BufferedValueModel#setSubject improved to reduce unnecessary read exceptions when the old subject is null. o Suppressed warnings for some tests. o BeanUtils uses ObservableBean and ObservableBean2 instead of Model which will slightly improve the registration of listeners. o Improved JavaDocs, fixed compiler warnings. o Updated references in the distribution docs. CHANGES IN 2.1.0 -------------------------------------------------------- This maintenance release uses and requires the JGoodies Common lib. Make sure that you include jgoodies-common-1.0.0.jar in your classpath when using this Binding version. CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE COMPATIBILITY o BasicComponentFactory#createCheckBox and #createRadioButton now accept a marked text that may contain a mnemonic marker ('&') to mark the mnemonic and its index. See MnemonicUtils for details about this configuration. Also, the content area of the returned components is now not filled. This is typically, if a check box or radio button is contained in a panel with a gradient background, for example tabbed panes in many Windows L&f configurations. o Removed EmptyDateFormatter and EmptyNumberFormatter. These have been replaced by the new JGoodies Common classes EmptyDateFormat and EmptyNumberFormat. Adjusted the BasicComponentFactory to use the new classes. BUG FIXES #134: Binding via Bindings looses AbstractButton properties. OTHER CHANGES o Marked ArrayListModel, LinkedListModel, and ObservableList as deprecated. These classes have been replaced by new versions from the JGoodies Common library. The Binding classes will be removed from the next Binding version. o Fixed a few JavaDocs. CHANGES IN 2.0.6 -------------------------------------------------------- This maintenance release fixes a regression introduced by the parameter strings for ValueModels created by BeanAdapters and PropertyAdapters. The #toString method of a ValueModel returned by a Bean- or PropertyAdapter on a null bean failed with an NPE. CHANGES IN 2.0.5 -------------------------------------------------------- This maintenance release reverts a change made in the Binding 2.0.4 that lead to an incompatible serialization of Model subclasses. 2.0.4 introduced a feature in the ExtendedPropertyChangeSupport to ensure that listeners are notified in the event dispatch thread. This feature was unused and has now been removed to make version 2.0.5 binary compatible with versions 2.0.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, and 2.0.3. o Source code improvement: uses arrays for copying listener lists. o Replaced LinkedList by ArrayList. o Updated the Forms library used for the tutorial to 1.3.0 pre1. o Slightly overhauled the visual design of the tutorial screens. Added mnemonics and colons where, replaced some titles and titled separators by labels, removed unnecessary separators. CHANGES IN 2.0.4 -------------------------------------------------------- This maintenance release adds a public API to the delaying classes to check whether there are one or more pending events. The #release methods in PresentationModel, BeanAdapter, PropertyAdapter, TextComponentConnector, and PropertyConnector can be called multiple times (issue #108). o Added #isPending to DelayedPropertyChangeHandler, DelayedReadValueModel and DelayedWriteValueModel. o More final methods in DelayedPropertyChangeHandler. o Added tests for calling release multiple times. CHANGES IN 2.0.3 -------------------------------------------------------- This maintenance release improves the debug output for subclasses of AbstractValueModel and ships improved tutorial sources and slightly improved JavaDocs. o Added AbstractValueModel#paramString and #valueString. o Implemented #paramString in BufferedValueModel, PropertyAdapter, and BeanAdapter.SimplePropertyAdapter. o Updated the Forms library used for the tutorial to 1.2.0. o The download link in the HTML pages points to JGoodies.com. CHANGES IN 2.0.2 -------------------------------------------------------- #127: PresentationModel constructors shall use the bean type. Changed PresentationModel(Object) and PresentationModel(Object, ValueModel) to PresentationModel(B) and PresentationModel(B, ValueModel). #128: Make AbstractConverter#release non-final o PropertyConnector always reads the new value, if the property name is null. o Simpler generic types in some tutorial examples. o Updated copyright information. o Updated the Forms library used for the tutorial to 1.2b2. CHANGES IN 2.0.1 -------------------------------------------------------- BUGS FIXED #122: Broken SelectionInList#setSelectionIndex upper bound check OTHER CHANGES #123: Improved the SelectionInList JavaDocs regarding null selections if the List or ListModel contains null. o Added Bindings#flushImmediately() and #isFocusOwnerBuffering(). o Corrected the IndirectListModel documentation. CHANGES IN 2.0.0 -------------------------------------------------------- With this major update the JGoodies Binding has been moved to Java 5. Key classes and methods have been generified, sources use annotations, and the code uses the enhanced for loop. This version is binary incompatible with previous versions. CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE COMPATIBILITY o Replaced the 1.5 SelectionInList and SelectionInListModel by the 1.4 SelectionInList. Replaced ListHolder, ListModelHolder by IndirectListModel. o Added #getList() to SelectionInList and IndirectListModel. o SelectionInList#getListModel throws a ClassCastException if the list holder doesn't hold a ListModel. o Generified the following classes: ArrayListModel, LinkedListModel, SelectionInList, IndirectListModel, AbstractTableAdapter, PresentationModel, BeanAdapter, and PropertyAdapter. o PropertyConnector constructor is private, use #connect instead. o PropertyConnector#connect returns the PropertyConnector. o Bindings#bind(JComboBox, SelectionInList) and #bind(JList, SelectionInList) synchronize the component properties "visible" and "enabled" with the SelectionInList's selection holder, if this is a ComponentValueModel. BUGS FIXED #119: SelectionInList may fire wrong ListDataEvents. NEW FEATURES o Added PropertyConnector#connectAndUpdate(ValueModel, Object, String) o AbstractTableAdapter#getRow is public o AbstractTableAdapter constructor with column names uses varargs. OTHER CHANGES o Source code cleanup: enhanced for loop, annotations, marked private fields as final, removed trailing blanks. o Fixed JavaDoc typos. HOW TO MIGRATE FROM VERSION 1.4 TO 2.0 o Add type information to ArrayListModels, LinkedListModels, SelectionInLists, SelectionInListModels, PresentationModels, BeanAdapters, PropertyAdapters, AbstractTableAdapters. o Remove unnecessary type casts. o Replace PropertyConnector constructor calls by PropertyConnector#connect or #connectAndUpdate. CHANGES PLANNED FOR FUTURE VERSIONS o ExtendedPropertyChangeSupport shall: + provide an optional weak registration of listeners, + an option to notify listeners in the event-dispatch-thread, + add debug features to detect inconsistencies between a bean's property names and the names used to register a listener or used to fire a property change. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below release notes for previous versions. JGoodies Data Binding Version 1.5.0 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This version is the first step towards the generified Binding 2.0. It is binary incompatible with previous versions. Stable extras have been moved to the core, and the SelectionInList has changed. BUGS FIXED #118: BeanAdapter#getValue, #setValue bypass internal adapter. NEW FEATURES o SelectionInListModel is now in the core. The Bindings class and the BasicComponentFactory have been extended to bind or create JComboBoxes and JLists from SelectionInListModel. o The old SelectionInList that worked with List and ListModel has been replaced by a new SelectionInList that works with List only. o Added DelayedPropertyChangeHandler#getDelay and #setDelay. o Moved the ChangeTracker and LoggingUtils from extras to core. HOW TO MIGRATE TO VERSION 1.5 o For every 1.4 SelectionInList you should check whether it works with a ListModel vs. List or Array. In the first case, use a SelectionInListModel; for List and Arrays you can keep the SelectionInList. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below release notes for previous versions. JGoodies Data Binding Version 1.4.0 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This release comes with a behavior change in the PropertyConnector and extends the API to make it easier to subclass the BeanAdapter. This version is binary compatible with the 1.3.x versions, but the changed behavior was worth a new minor version number. However, most API users won't notice the difference and will just benefit from the PropertyConnector change. The PropertyConnector change improves a nasty situation with JFormattedTextFields that fire unnecessary "value" change events, if a user clicks in a formatted text field without changing it. If the value is null, a bean property connected to such a field will likely fire a property change event, because null may indicate a null value or 'unknown'. The default binding for JFormattedTextField is implemented with the PropertyConnector. The new PropertyConnector reads a target value and compares it with the value to be set. In case these are identical, no operation will be performed, and no change event will be fired. This addresses the case where the JFormattedTextField sends a change event from null to null. And it avoids unnecessary events in other situations too. NEW FEATURES o BeanAdapter.SimplePropertyAdapter not final. o BeanAdapter.SimplePropertyAdapter constructor protected as well as #fireChange and #setBean0 o Added BeanAdapter#createPropertyAdapter. OTHER CHANGES #117: PropertyConnector shall not fire unnecessary change events o Updated the Forms library used for the tutorial to version 1.1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below release notes for previous versions. JGoodies Data Binding Version 1.3.2 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This release fixes a bug in ListModel implementations and a regression with the PropertyConnector and read-only properties. BUGS FIXED #115: ListDataEvents inconsistent with the ListModel #116: PropertyConnector may fail with read-only property ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below release notes for previous versions. JGoodies Data Binding Version 1.3.1 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This release changes the behavior of the PropertyConnector in the case that a target bean setter modifies the value set, or completely rejects the new value (issue #114). For example, a bean setter may trim a String or turn it into upper case. If setters don't modify or reject values, the old and new behavior are almost identical. The difference is in an extra read operation on the target bean side, that is used to compare the value set with the (potentially modified ) target value. The new behavior is now consistent with the TextComponentConnector that honors subject value modifications too. OTHER CHANGES o Removed the deprecated BeanUtils#getPropertyDescriptor methods. o Added a test case that the SelectionInList handles vetos in a custom selection index holder. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below release notes for previous versions. JGoodies Data Binding Version 1.3.0 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This release contains a few binary incompatible changes. CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE BINARY COMPATIBILITY o Removed the deprecated DocumentAdapter that has been replaced by the TextComponentConnector in version 1.2. o Removed Bindings#bind(ValueModel, JTextArea, Document, boolean) and Bindings#bind(ValueModel, JTextField, Document, boolean) that have been marked as deprecated in version 1.2. NEW FEATURES #112: Poor bean channel construction in PresentationModel. Added PresentationModel#createBeanAdapter(ValueModel). PresentationModel subclasses may override this method to configure the bean adapter, for example whether it observes changes or not. o BeanAdapter is no longer final. o Added BeanAdapter#getBeanChannel. o Added Model#firePropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) that allows to fire IndexedPropertyChangeEvents in Java 5 or later. o Added Model#fireVetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent). #109: Add AbstractConverter#release ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below release notes for previous versions. JGoodies Data Binding Version 1.2.0 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This release brings a few improvements and API extensions. NEW FEATURES 51: Added LoggingUtils to the source code extras. Reduces the effort required to log property changes. 98: Bindings#bind(JComponent, String, ValueModel) reduces the effort required to bind a component property to a ValueModel. 103: PresentationModel#release. Setting the bean to null is still the preferred method to release listeners. 104: SelectionInList#release, ListHolder#release, ListModelHolder#release, SpinnerToValueModelConnector#release, SelectionInList2#release SelectionInListModel#release Instead of calling these #release methods, you typically release the PresentationModel or BeanAdapter that has created the (Value)Models used in the above classes. 106: Bindings#commitImmediately() is useful to commit a pending edit. o DelayedPropertyChangeHandler#stop. o DelayedReadValueModel#stop. o DelayedWriteValueModel#stop. CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE BINARY COMPATIBILITY o Removed the deprecated Model#fireMulticastPropertyChange, which has been replaced by #fireMultiplePropertiesChanged in 1.0.3. CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE BEHAVIOR 101: Model's change support is non-transient. And so serializable listeners will be serialized with the observed Model. AbstractConverter uses a PropertyChangeListener instead of implementing PropertyChangeListener. Most Binding API users register listeners with the Binding classes, not the Model directly. And so, this change won't affect most users. The change affects only those who register listeners with a Model diretly. 105: After a text update the caret is now at position 0, where it was at the end of the text before. This is achieved by the new TextComponentAdapter. Bindings#bind(ValueModel, JTextArea, boolean) and Bindings#bind(ValueModel, JTextField, boolean) now use the new TextComponentAdapter. And these methods keep the text area's/text field's Document, where version 1.1.x used a new PlainDocument instead. 107: BeanAdapter#release removes all listeners from the bean that have been registered with #addBeanPropertyChangeListener. OTHER CHANGES o Marked DocumentAdapter as deprecated. This class will be removed from the JGoodies Binding version 1.3. o Marked Bindings#bind(ValueModel, JTextArea, Document, boolean) and Bindings#bind(ValueModel, JTextField, Document, boolean) as deprecated. These methods will be removed from the Binding version 1.3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below release notes for previous versions. JGoodies Data Binding Version 1.1.2 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This release fixes a bug and brings minor source code improvements. BUGS FIXED o Issue 100: Deadlock in ExtendedPropertyChangeSupport with identity check enabled. NEW FEATURES The PropertyConnector can now connect beans that do not support bound properties. This is intended for the case where only one bean fires property change events. OTHER CHANGES o Marked several inner classes as final. o Added JavaDocs and fixed JavaDoc typos. o FAQ is now online at https://binding.dev.java.net/faq.html. o Added a reference to the JSR 295 - Beans Binding. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below release notes for previous versions. JGoodies Data Binding Version 1.1.1 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This maintenance release fixes issue #87 and bug #92. It is recommended to use version to 1.1.1. CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE COMPATIBILITY The changes affect the behavior, not the binary compatibility. o Since 1.1.1 the SelectionInList's default selection holder checks the identity. This allows to use it as bean channel in PresentationModel, BeanAdapter, PropertyAdapter. It may now fire more changes than the previous holder, that fired only if the old and new selection were not equal. o The fix for issue #92 may lead to more or less events fired by all AbstractConverter subclasses. BUGS FIXED o Issue 87: SelectionInList default selection holder shall check identity. o Issue 92: AbstractConverter converts null event values. NEW FEATURES Most BeanUtils methods allow to provide the bean type now, where the bean instance was used before. This makes it easier to use package private beans that implement a public interface. OTHER CHANGES o Changed the visibility for enclosed types to reduce the amount of synthetic accessors. o Fixed JavaDoc typos. o Minor source style improvements. o The ANT build can create a Maven bundle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below release notes for previous versions. JGoodies Data Binding Version 1.1 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This release fixes bugs and provides new features and classes. It is recommended to upgrade your library version to 1.1. The 1.1 API is slightly incompatible with previous versions. However, existing valid code will typically work as before. Most changes are sanity checks; they ensure that arguments comply with constraints that are described in the JavaDocs. The topics for the 1.1 release are: 1) Bug fixing and API clarification. 2) New distribution layout. 3) Move stable extra sources to the library core. 4) Improved support for PropertyVetoExceptions. 5) Improved support in the presentation model layer for operating on frequently used component state: enabled, editable, visible. This is implemented by the new class ComponentValueModel. Due to a timely rollout of the 1.1 final, other improvements planned for the 1.1. version have been moved to future releases. The work on version 1.2 will begin immediately, and the list handling classes available in the 1.1 preview builds will be moved back to the library core. CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE COMPATIBILITY o SelectionInList keeps the selection after list changes, even if the selection is cleared during the change. This happens for example when the SelectionInList is bound to a JTable that may - as a side effect - clear the selection in JTable#tableChanged (see also issue 85). o The methods Bindings#bind(JTextComponent, *) have been replaced by Bindings#bind(JTextArea, *) and #bind(JTextField, *). This clarifies that these methods were not intended (and not able) to bind JEditorPanes and JTextPanes. The changes below are sanity checks that have been added to verify that parameters comply with the constraints that are described in the JavaDocs. o BeanAdapter and PresentationModel methods that get a property name throw an NPE if the property name is null. o PresentationModel, BeanAdapter and PropertyAdapter throw an IllegalArgumentException if the bean channel is a ValueHolder that has the identityCheck feature disabled. o SelectionInList throws an IllegalArgumentException if the listHolder is a ValueModel that has the identity check feature disabled. o SelectionInList constructor throws a ClassCastException if the list holder content is neither a List nor a ListModel. BUGS FIXED o Issue 78: SelectionInList#EmptyListModel may cause memory leak. o Issue 79: PropertyConnector updates a read-only property. o Issue 82: Clarify interval of list model content changes. o Issue 85: SelectionInList loses selection when bound to a table. DISTRIBUTION CHANGES o Issue 74: The sources no longer ship as a source Zip archive. They now come in the directory structure used by the CVS. This makes it easier to build the distribution using ANT. If you want to attach the library sources in an IDE, point to folder 'src/core'. NEW FEATURES o Issue 73: Improve support for constrained bean properties: + PropertyAdapter#setVetoableValue(Object) + BeanAdapter#setVetoableValue(String, Object) + BeanAdapter.SimplePropertyAdapter#setVetoableValue(Object) o Issue 75: Add access to (buffered) values to PresentationModel: + PresentationModel#getValue(String) + PresentationModel#setValue(String, Object) + PresentationModel#setVetoableValue(String, Object) + PresentationModel#getBufferedValue(String) + PresentationModel#setBufferedValue(String, Object) o Issue 76: Move extras to the library core: + com.jgoodies.binding.adapter.SpinnerAdapterFactory + com.jgoodies.binding.adapter.SpinnerToValueModelConnector + com.jgoodies.binding.beans.DelayedPropertyChangeHandler + com.jgoodies.binding.value.AbstractVetoableValueModel + com.jgoodies.binding.value.DelayedReadValueModel o Issue 77: Provide component state in the PresentationModel. A ComponentValueModel provides bound properties for: enabled, visible, editable. The Bindings class can register a handler with the ComponentValueModel that updates the component's state automatically. And the PresentationModel has new factory methods that vend a plain or buffered ComponentValueModel. Added: + com.jgoodies.binding.value.ComponentValueModel + Bindings#addComponentPropertyHandler + Bindings#removeComponentPropertyHandler + PresentationModel#getComponentModel(String) + PresentationModel#getBufferedComponentModel(String) For an example see the ComponentValueModel class comment and the tutorial's ComponentValueModel example. This feature is implemented for text components, radio buttons and check boxes. Lists, tables, combos and color choosers bound using the Bindings class, ignore the ComponentValueModel. See also issue #86 in the Binding's issue tracker. o New classes for indirect access to Lists and ListModels: + ListHolder is a ListModel that holds a List in a ValueModel. + ListModelHolder is a ListModel that holds a ListModel in a ValueModel. o New Extra source: The NonNullValueModel converts null values in #getValue to a given default value. OTHER CHANGES o Improved and corrected JavaDocs. o Added tests for writing a constrained bean property. o Added a bunch of tests for SelectionInList list changes. o Minor Java source style improvements. o Fixed an NPE in the tutorial's ComponentsExample.