JGoodies Looks Release Notes CHANGES IN 3.13.1 ------------------------------------------------------- o FIX: Plastic misses text field border repaint on focus lost/gain. CHANGES IN 3.13.0 ------------------------------------------------------- o If larger body text is enabled (Options#setLargerBodyFontsEnabled), the default font policies now increase the Swing body font size from 12pt to 14pt. Previous versions increased from 12pt to 15pt. This change adapts the font changes from WinUI 2 to WinUI 3. o The new PlasticTheme LightBlue is now the default on Windows. o Changed PlasticMetro L&f's default menu bar border to separator. o Removed the constant Options#PLASTICXP_NAME. o Removed special support for Windows XP, Vista, and 7. These will now get the Windows 10/11 appearance. CHANGES IN 3.12.0 ------------------------------------------------------- o FIX: Editable Plastic combo background should be like text field. o Overhauled the option for hiding tree lines in class Options: - Removed Options.TREE_LINE_STYLE_KEY. - Removed Options.TREE_LINE_STYLE_ANGLED_VALUE. - Removed Options.TREE_LINE_STYLE_NONE_VALUE. - Added Options.TREE_PAINT_LINES_KEY. Values are Boolean. o By default, tree lines are not painted in Plastic Metro and in Windows L&f on Windows 8 or later. o The Plastic XP L&f has been removed; use Plastic Metro instead. o Updated the tree collapsed and expanded icons for Plastic Metro and Windows L&f; the latter on Windows 8 or later. o Fixed doc typos. o Updated the HTML guide. CHANGES IN 3.11.1 ------------------------------------------------------- o Flattened the Windows and Plastic tree leaf icons. o The Windows L&f does not paint tree lines by default. o The Plastic Metro L&f does not paint tree lines by default. o Removed Java 9 code from ExtDefaultCaret. o Updated HTML docs: Setting the look. CHANGES IN 3.11.0 ------------------------------------------------------- o Requires JGoodies Common 1.27. o Avoids illegal access to SwingUtilities2 from the Plastic L&Fs. CHANGES IN 3.10.0 ------------------------------------------------------- o Requires JGoodies Common 1.26. o Moved an internal class to Common. CHANGES IN 3.9.3 -------------------------------------------------------- o Changed internal implementation for accelerator texts. o Fixed JavaDocs. CHANGES IN 3.9.2 -------------------------------------------------------- o Source cleanup. o Improved JavaDoc package descriptions. o Removed broken HTML references. CHANGES IN 3.9.1 -------------------------------------------------------- Source cleanup. CHANGES IN 3.9.0 -------------------------------------------------------- Just recompiled against JGoodies Common 1.23.0. CHANGES IN 3.8.1 -------------------------------------------------------- This is a source cleanup only; there are no behavioral changes. CHANGES IN 3.8.0 -------------------------------------------------------- Added a Windows L&f feature to show accelerators in AbstractButton tool tips, e.g. "Close (Ctrl+W)". This feature already exists in the Plastic L&f family. By default, the Windows L&f and Plastic L&fs keep the old behavior: they do not enable it during the L&f installation. You can enable the feature *after* the L&f installation with: UIManager.put("ToolTip.hideAccelerator", Boolean.FALSE); The Plastic Metro L&f tool tips now use the same font for the accelerator - if any - as the Windows L&f. CHANGES IN 3.7.0 -------------------------------------------------------- Removed the unsupported window decorations for Plastic and Windows. Package com.jgoodies.looks.decoration has been removed. Removed obsolete Windows tree icons that are now active. CHANGES IN 3.6.1 -------------------------------------------------------- This update just removes the dependency to JUnit in the pom.xml. CHANGES IN 3.6.0 -------------------------------------------------------- This version comes with a new mechanism for using larger body text, and more generally, with an overhauled FontPolicies implementation. o Added a feature for larger body text where the control font size provided by the Looks' default font policies is increased by 125%. See Options#setLargerBodyFontsEnabled. o FontPolicies' DefaultWindowsPolicy has a better tooltip font height in high dpi environments. o DefaultWindowsPolicy looks up all fonts and does not fall back to the fonts given in the UIDefaults table. o Removed FontPolicies#getDefaultPlasticOnWindowsPolicy. Use #getDefaultWindowsPolicy instead. o Fixed compiler warnings. o Windows table header border is scaled in high dpi environments. o FIX: Windows L&f does not set the "OptionPane.buttonFont" to the control font as provided by the current FontPolicy. o FIX: Windows L&f does not set the "Slider.font" to the control font as provided by the current FontPolicy. o FIX: Windows and Plastic Combobox text cut off in high dpi env. o CHANGE: Enabled auditory feedback for OptionPanes and JGoodies Dialogs in the Windows Look&feel. Restore the old behavior with: UIManager.put("AuditoryCues.playList", new Object[] {}); after the Look&feel installation. To just play the error sound, use: UIManager.put("AuditoryCues.playList", new Object[] { "OptionPane.errorSound"}); CHANGES IN 3.5.1 -------------------------------------------------------- o FIX: Plastic L&fs ignore the font policy's message font. o FIX: The message font is set as the message box's button font. o FIX: DefaultWindowsPolicy's message font falls back to UIDefaults' "OptionPane.font" but should use "OptionPane.messageFont". o Custom font settings policy uses a plain not bold title font. o Marked FontPolicies#getDefaultPlasticOnWindowsPolicy as deprecated; use #getDefaultWindowsPolicy instead. o Updated several FontPolicies JavaDocs. o FontTestApp shows more font system properties. CHANGES IN 3.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Overhauled the combobox editors for both Plastic and Windows. o Improved support for high DPI devices in the Windows L&f. o Removed deprecated constants that have been replaced before (see version 3.4.1): - Options.HEADER_STYLE_KEY - WindowsLookAndFeel.BORDER_STYLE_KEY - PlasticLookAndFeel.BORDER_STYLE_KEY o Plastic L&fs set a button minimum width for option pane buttons. o OptionPane ensures a minimum width for standard and custom buttons. o Option pane button area has a component name. o Updated the pom.xml. CHANGES IN 3.4.2 -------------------------------------------------------- o Works around a bug in Java 9.0.4's Windows L&f where text selection remains visible after a text component lost focus. o Fixes a bug with Java 9 combo box text editors. CHANGES IN 3.4.1 -------------------------------------------------------- This version comes with a bunch of improvements for Java 9. If you want to install the JGoodies Windows L&f in Java 9, we recommend to set it in the UIManager by its class name: UIManager.setLookAndFeel(Options.JGOODIES_WINDOWS_NAME); If you want to set a Plastic Look&Feel in Java 9, use for example: UIManager.setLookAndFeel(Options.PLASTIC_METRO_NAME); The JGoodies Smart Client Enterprise's BasicAppUISetup does all the above and will give you the best possible result in both Java 8 and Java 9 environments. If you want to use the JGoodies Windows L&f on Java 9, export package com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows from module java.desktop to the ALL_UNNAMED module. This can be specified in a JAR's manifest or by providing VM arguments, for example: --add-exports=java.desktop/com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows=ALL-UNNAMED o Overhauled the lookup that obtains the Windows icon font as a composite font. o Custom fonts are now created as composite fonts too. o Changed the Options#DEFAULT_LOOK_NAME to PLASTIC_METRO_NAME. o Options#getCrossPlatformLookAndFeelClassName returns PLASTIC_METRO_NAME (was PLASTIC_XP_NAME before). o Removed the deprecated unscaled and non-composite Windows font constants from class Fonts. o Replaced some client property keys to avoid denied access: Options.HEADER_STYLE_KEY -> HeaderStyle.KEY WindowsLookAndFeel.BORDER_STYLE_KEY -> BorderStyle.WINDOWS_KEY PlasticLookAndFeel.BORDER_STYLE_KEY -> BorderStyle.PLASTIC_KEY CHANGES IN 3.3.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Added Options#setHiResGrayFilterAlphaFactor to customize the high-resolution gray filter by setting a factor that is multiplied with each pixel's alpha value. o Added the names for Plastic Aero and Metro as Options#PLASTIC_AERO_NAME and Options#PLASTIC_METRO_NAME. o Implementation uses more method references. CHANGES IN 3.2.0 (Java 8) ----------------------------------------------- o Moved to Java 8. o Added MicroLayout#getButtonPadding(). o OptionPane button layout for Windows and Plastic now ensures a minimum width but does not give all buttons the same width. o Improved support for high dpi displays: - overhauled micro layouts - added micro layouts for dpi > 125 - improved tree row heights - improved text icon gaps CHANGES IN 3.1.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Added Options#setSelectOnFocusGainEnabled(JTextArea). CHANGES IN 3.0.4 -------------------------------------------------------- o Plastic Aero/Metro changes text field focus border on focus owner changes where it observed the permanent focus owner before. CHANGES IN 3.0.3 -------------------------------------------------------- o Plastic Aero and Plastic Metro paint focus border for text fields, formatted text fields, editable combo boxes, and spinners. CHANGES IN 3.0.2 -------------------------------------------------------- o Changed the license. CHANGES IN 3.0.1 -------------------------------------------------------- o Fixed the check box and radio button icon position in PlasticAero and PlasticMetro. CHANGES IN 3.0.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Removed the deprecated narrow-margins feature. All buttons now have their natural/native small margins. o Removed the Plastic-individual select-all-on-keyboard-focus-gained. Instead all JGoodies L&fs now just honor the global settings. as specified by Options#isSelectOnFocusGainEnabled. o Overhauled the Plastic L&F family: - Added Plastic Metro. - Replaced Plastic 3D by Plastic Aero. - Now uses the same caret classes as the Windows L&f. - Enabled the select-all-on-keyboard-focus-gained feature on all platforms (Windows-only before). - Tuned the pseudo 3D effect used by Plastic XP and Plastic Aero. - More components change on rollover. - Overhauled micro layout policies. - Fixed an issue with a broken font chain. o Reorganized the predefined MicroLayouts. o Overhauled the default Windows and Plastic MicroLayoutPolicies. o Fixed the spinner arrow button borders. o Widened Plastic API visibilities to allow customization. CHANGES IN 2.9.0 -------------------------------------------------------- This release moves the Plastic appearance (look) and behavior (feel) towards to the native Windows colors, button look and overall feel. o Changed the id of all Plastic L&fs to "Plastic". o Modernized the Plastic 3D effect. o Plastic 3D button borders paint focus. o Changed the Plastic default theme to "LightGray". o Overhauled the Plastic tabbed pane to paint rectangular tabs. o Plastic default button follows focus. o Removed the Option to paint tabs with embedded look in Plastic L&fs and the JGoodies Windows L&f. o Removed the Option to paint tabbed panes without content border in Plastic L&fs and the JGoodies Windows L&f. o Removed the Option to hide icons in tabbed panes. To get the old look, remove the icons from the JTabbedPane instead. o Removed the Plastic option for using the Metal tab style. o Removed the Plastic option for high contrast focus colors. o Removed the following Plastic themes: DesertGreen, ExperienceGreen, SkyGreen, DesertRed, SkyRed, DesertYellow, SkyYellow, SkyKrupp, SkyPink. o Removed Fonts constants. o Marked Options#setUseNarrowButtons as deprecated. The narrow buttons feature will be removed from the next version. CHANGES IN 2.8.1 -------------------------------------------------------- o Uses the text-selecting carets also for JTextArea where it was used for fields only before. CHANGES IN 2.8.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Moved to Java 7. o Requires the JGoodies Common 1.9. o Fixed broken menu item foreground in Windows L&f on Windows 10. o Turned BorderStyle and HeaderStyle into enumerations. o Added generics. o Removed code for Windows 95/98/ME/2000. CHANGES IN 2.7.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Fixed #setMicroLayoutPolicy(MicroLayoutPolicy) signature in WindowsLookAndFeel and PlasticLookAndFeel that accepted a MicroLayout instead of a MicroLayoutPolicy. o Removed the Look&Feel replacement information from the Options. o Removed obsolete code. o Suppressed compiler warnings. o Slightly improved the build script. CHANGES IN 2.6.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Improved the display of non-western fonts. Overhauled the lookup of the Windows control font for the default Windows font policy and the default Plastic-on-Windows font policy. These font policies now try to build composite fonts. o Removed font policies for the Looks 1.x. o Removed unnecessary code. o Adjusted tests. o Source cleanup. o Compiled against the JGoodies Common 1.8. CHANGES IN 2.5.3 -------------------------------------------------------- o Compiled against the JGoodies Common 1.5. o Source code cleanup. o Fixed and extended the pom.xml: - added schema - fixed scope for dependencies - added Maven Central deployer - added build data CHANGES IN 2.5.2 -------------------------------------------------------- o Fixed the broken version in the pom.xml. CHANGES IN 2.5.1 -------------------------------------------------------- o The javadocs, main and test sources are delivered as JARs. CHANGES IN 2.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------- o Requires Java 6 and JGoodies Common 1.3. o Removed deprecated code: - LookUtils#IS_LAF_WINDOWS_XP_ENABLED - LookUtils#IS_LOW_RESOLUTION o Generified several members. o Removed code that is obsolete in Java 6. o Simplified the UI class and component setup for Java 6. CHANGES IN 2.4.2 -------------------------------------------------------- BUG FIXES o Fixed a potential NPE in Windows- and PlasticFieldCaret#selectAll CHANGES IN 2.4.1 -------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION This version requires the JGoodies Common library version 1.2.0. OTHER CHANGES o Uses the Common SystemUtils. CHANGES IN 2.4.0 -------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION This version requires Java 5 and the new JGoodies Common library. Make sure that you include jgoodies-common-1.1.1.jar in your classpath when using this Looks version. BUG FIXES o Fixed bug in the FontTest on non-Windows platforms. o Fixed a potential NPE in PlasticFieldCaret#focusLost(). OTHER CHANGES o Replaced the green Plastic question icon by the standard (blue) help icon. Question dialogs shall use a question mark in the main instruction, not a question icon. The blue question mark icon is for help messages and help windows. o Removed obsolete #isBlank implementation. o Removed code used for Java 1.4 that is now obsolete. o Updated HTML docs. CHANGES IN 2.3.1 -------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION This maintenance update fixes an issue with classic Windows combo boxes in white-on-black contrast mode. BUG FIXES o The Windows classic L&f combo box arrow button paints the arrow icon always in black, ignoring the desktop color theme. CHANGES IN 2.3.0 -------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION This update adds support for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. CHANGES o Introduced LookUtils#IS_OS_WINDOWS_6_OR_LATER that replaces #IS_OS_WINDOWS_VISTA. The latter is now deprecated. o The final marker has been removed from WindowsLookAndFeel. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- JGoodies Looks Version 2.2.2 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This update fixes a minor issues on Vista with Java 5. BUG FIXES o Poor menu selection foreground on Vista with Java 5. o Fixed a potential NPE in WindowsFieldCaret#focusLost. OTHER CHANGES o Removed the ExtBasicArrowButtonHandler that is now obsolete. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below the change history for older releases. JGoodies Looks Version 2.2.1 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This maintenance update fixes minor issues with read-only text. BUG FIXES o Increased the preferred width of text fields by 1 pixel to avoid scrolling non-editable content without border (static text). OTHER CHANGES o Non-editable text fields honor the global and per-component setting for selection on keyboard focus gain. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below the change history for older releases. JGoodies Looks Version 2.2.0 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This maintenance update adds features useful for tweaking the text field selection on keyboard focus gain. The JGoodies Windows L&f now uses "Windows" as ID to comply with the LookAndFeel#getID specification. NEW FEATURES o The feature that selects text field text on focus gain can now be enabled or disabled globally, and it can be overridden per field. See Options#setSelectOnFocusGainEnabled(boolean) and #setSelectOnFocusGain(JTextField, Boolean). As before, the feature is enabled by default. o If the select on focus gain is enabled, the selection is from start to end by default. The selection bias can be configured as end to start using Options#INVERT_SELECTION_CLIENT_KEY. Useful if the field contains text that typically will be reentered and where the leading text is more important than the trail. o On focus lost the caret can be positioned at the start. See Options#SET_CARET_TO_START_ON_FOCUS_LOST_CLIENT_KEY. This is useful for short fields where the lead text shall be visible after focus lost, because it is more important than the trail. BUG FIXES o The select on focus gain is applied only to editable fields. OTHER CHANGES o JGoodies WindowsLookAndFeel#getID now returns "Windows" where it returned "JGoodies Windows" before. o Updated to the Forms 1.2.1. o Minor source code improvements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below the change history for older releases. JGoodies Looks Version 2.1.4 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This maintenance update contains bug fixes, primarily for Java 6 update 1 or later on Windows Vista. BUGS FIXED #171: Menu rendering incorrect on Vista #173: NPE in PlasticLookAndFeel#getDefaultXPTheme #174: Invisible combo box items in Vista file chooser Plastic menu opaque after switching L&f. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below the change history for older releases. JGoodies Looks Version 2.1.3 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This update contains minor bug fixes and a tiny enhancement. BUGS FIXED #166: NPE if PlasticXP checkbox or radio text is null #169: RTL orientation ignored for JOptionPane buttons OTHER CHANGES o Added the ability to add a null replacement for a given l&f class name. See Options#initializeDefaultReplacements --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below the change history for older releases. JGoodies Looks Version 2.1.2 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This maintenance update contains a few minor improvements. BUGS FIXED #163: Formatted text field content not selected after focus gained #165: Rollover mode in JToolBar is lost after first switching L&F OTHER CHANGES #161: Plastic file chooser ignores system icons. You can enable system icons by calling UIManager.put("FileChooser.useSystemIcons", Boolean.TRUE) before installing a Plastic L&f. #162: Tree +/- invisible on dark background --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below the change history for older releases. JGoodies Looks Version 2.1.1 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This maintenance update just fixes bugs in version 2.1.0. BUGS FIXED #154: Editable JComboBox size problem with border and GroupLayout #155: Exception with icon-less disabled JTabbedPane tabs #157: Plastic question & warning icons are reversed OTHER CHANGES #156: Content of JSpinner not selected after keyboard focus gain o Added missing icons to the Simple Looks Demo's demo.jar. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below the change history for older releases. JGoodies Looks Version 2.1.0 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This JGoodies Looks version 2.1 fixes bugs, comes with a few improvements and adds micro layout customization. Version 2.1 is binary incompatible with previous versions. However the changes will affect only very few API users. The most visible changes are a new gray filter for icons, new Plastic icons, Vista improvements, and that text is selected after keyboard focus changes. The micro layout API allows to customize the insets, margins, and gaps used in the components. The default micro layout aims to comply with the "Microsoft Layout Specification and Guidelines". The default is used for the JGoodies Windows L&f and the Plastic L&f family. Since most native Windows applications don't comply with the Windows style guide, you may wish to change the micro layout to be closer to a given native app, such as MS Office, MS Internet Explorer, etc. From my perspective the micro layout specified in the Windows style guide is best for Windows, and it's good on other platforms. It aims to reduce visual noise by using consistent component sizes and text positions for all components that are arranged in a row. Therefore I recommend to use the default micro layout. A custom micro layout may be useful, if you design many large forms and vertical space is scarce. You can then define smaller insets to gain more space. CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE COMPATIBILITY o Removed the deprecated Options.IS_NARROW_KEY. Use Options#setUseNarrowButtons(boolean) instead. o Removed the deprecated Options.TEXT_AREA_INFO_BACKGROUND_KEY. We suggest to use a factory that vends JTextArea's with the background set to the editable background instead. o Removed the deprecated methods PlasticLookAndFeel#getMyCurrentTheme and PlasticLookAndFeel#setMyCurrentTheme. These have been replaced in the Looks 2.0 by #getPlasticTheme and #setPlasticTheme. o Key constants for setting a FontPolicy by name have been renamed to be consistent with the feature they describe, e.g. "Plastic.fontChoicePolicy" -> "Plastic.fontPolicy". This won't affect you if you use the API method xxxLookAndFeel#setFontPolicy or the key value from the Options class, for example Options.PLASTIC_FONT_POLICY_KEY BUGS FIXED #088: SplitPaneDivider ignores the opaque property of the split pane. #111: RTL menus have problems with accelerator alignment. #128: Windows XP table header border is wrong. #131: Tabbed pane content is not properly centered in WinXP L&f. #150: Vista read-only combo renderer not transparent. #152: Vista read-only combo box lacks focus dashed rect. #???: NPE in ShadowPopup#hide NEW FEATURES #087: Added a new gray filter for disabled icons in Java 5 and later. It can be enabled or disabled globally; it is on by default. The global setting can be overridden per component, see: Options.setHiResGrayFilterEnabled and the Options#HI_RES_DISABLED_ICON_CLIENT_KEY client property key. #116: Provide option to customize the component micro layout. #117: Consider removing more combo box renderer borders. Added the Options.COMBO_RENDERER_IS_BORDER_REMOVABLE hint for combo box renders that indicates whether a border can be temporarily removed when painting the current value. This is useful for custom Windows combo renderers. #151: Select text field text after focus gained by keyboard. This is done in the Windows L&f, and can be enabled for Plastic, see PlasticLookandFeel#setSelectTextOnKeyboardFocusGained. For Plastic this feature is enabled by default on Windows. OTHER CHANGES #040: Consider improving instance reuse. #048: Add 3D icons for PlasticXP's tree collapse/expand. #093: Consider making PlasticXP spinner buttons round. #132: PlasticXP checkbox/radio button without text doesn't paint focus. #133: Consider making PlasticXP toolbar button rollover border round. o Plastic uses Tango icons, see www.tango-project.org. o Plastic option pane icon size honors the software resolution. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below the change history for older releases. JGoodies Looks Version 2.0.4 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This maintenance release fixes a severe regression (issue #142) that affects the JGoodies Windows L&fs in classic Windows mode on Java 1.4/Java 1.5 where a window displays a JPasswordField. It is strongly recommended to update your Looks library version. Also, the font choice in Chinese, Korean, and other non-western environments has been improved for the case where the Java env lacks the multi-language files. BUGS FIXED #141: fonttest.jar manifest classpath broken. #142: Broken classic Windows password field in 1.4 and 1.5. #143: Broken font choice in non-western envs that lack i18n files OTHER CHANGES o FontTest shows more detailed internationalization data. o Added a JUnit test for Fonts#canDisplayLocalizedText(Font, Locale). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below the change history for older releases. JGoodies Looks Version 2.0.3 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This maintenance release fixes a regression, comes with improved support for the Windows Vista Beta2, and ships the Plastic themes "Experience Royale" for XP's Royale style, and "Light Gray" for Vista's Aero style. BUGS FIXED #130: Plastic internal frames paint wrong drop shadow. #135: Fonts#getWindowsControlFont returns null on Vista Beta2. #136: NPE in DefaultPlasticOnWindowsPolicy on Vista Beta2. #137: Component height too small on Vista Beta2. #138: Add a color theme that mimics Vista's Aero default. NEW FEATURES o Added the Plastic themes "Experience Royale" and "Light Gray". o Improved the mechanism that chooses the default Plastic theme to detect Luna Normal/Home Stead/Metallic, the MS Royale skin, and Vista's Aero. "Experience Royale" is the default on XP-Royale, "Light Gray" is the default on Vista-Aero. OTHER CHANGES o Distribution ships with a precompiled Font Test jar. o Removed the Palette2 from the Looks Demo desktop tab. o Minor cleanup in the build.xml and default.properties. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below the change history for older releases. JGoodies Looks Version 2.0.2 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This maintenance release fixes a regression, a bug, and improves the password field appearance in non-Windows environments. BUGS FIXED #122: Regression: Missing popup menu drop shadows. #123: Windows popup menu may lack the selection background. #127: Spinner editor insets too large since Mustang b82. OTHER CHANGES o Marked Options.TEXT_AREA_INFO_BACKGROUND_KEY as deprecated. We suggest to use a factory that vends JTextArea's with the background set to the editable background instead. You may use a text area that sets the background in #updateUI to ensure that it is refreshed on Look&Feel changes. o Combo box popup uses the combo box width as minimum, even if a popup prototype display value has been set. o The Windows and Plastic password fields now use the UIManager's echo character, share the password view, and this patch is used in Java 1.4 and Java 5 only. o The Looks Demo shows non-editable and disabled spinners. o Improved the selection background of non-editable Windows combo boxes that use a custom renderer. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below the change history for older releases. JGoodies Looks Version 2.0.1 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This maintenance release fixes a bug that affects those who want to use the visual backward compatible Looks1xWindowsFontPolicy on Windows 95/98/NT/ME. It also fixes two minor bugs that affect all platforms. BUGS FIXED #107: IllegalArgumentException for degenerated popup with shadow. #118: Potentially wrong font for menu item accelerators. #120: NPE in visual backward compatiblity FontPolicy on Windows 98. OTHER CHANGES o Added toolbar tool tips and a keyboard action to the Looks Demo. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below the change history for older releases. JGoodies Looks Version 2.0 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This JGoodies Looks version 2.0 fixes bugs, comes with many improvements and uses an overhauled font lookup. The contained Windows L&f and Plastic L&fs supercede all previous version w.r.t. consistency, design precision, and support for Java 5, Java 6 and Windows Vista. Version 2.0 is binary and visually incompatible with the Looks 1.x; however most API changes are simplifications and the visual changes improve the consistency of your apps. The font lookup in the Windows L&f has been overhauled. Text component insets have been adjusted to better comply with the "Microsoft Layout Specification and Guidelines". Also, Windows Vista is now supported: bounds, insets and font baseline positions are consistent on the Vista betas. The Plastic L&f family component bounds and insets have been adjusted to the new Windows bounds and insets. The Plastic font lookup has been completely overhauled; it is great on Windows and works well on other platforms. The new font customization mechanism allows you to change the fonts per L&f, platform, locale and desktop settings. CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE BINARY COMPATIBILITY The old font options (FontSizeHints, etc) have been replaced by the new FontPolicy mechanism and predefined FontPolicies. o Replaced Options.CONTROL_FONT_KEY and MENU_FONT_KEY by: - PLASTIC_FONT_CHOICE_POLICY_KEY - PLASTIC_CONTROL_FONT_KEY - PLASTIC_MENU_FONT_KEY - WINDOWS_FONT_CHOICE_POLICY_KEY - WINDOWS_CONTROL_FONT_KEY - WINDOWS_MENU_FONT_KEY o Removed Options.EXT_WINDOWS_NAME o Removed Options.FONT_SIZE_HINTS_KEY o Removed Options#getGlobalFontSizeHints o Removed Options#setGlobalFontSizeHints o Removed PlasticLookAndFeel#getFontSizeHints o Removed PlasticLookAndFeel#setFontSizeHints o Removed WindowsLookAndFeel#getFontSizeHints o Removed WindowsLookAndFeel#setFontSizeHints o Removed FontSizeHints o Removed LookUtils#createButtonMargin(boolean) o Removed LookUtils#installNarrowMargin o Removed FontUtils o Options#initializeDefaultReplacements now private o Removed obsolete Plastic themes: SkyBluerTahoma, ExperienceBlueDefaultFont, DesertBluerDefautFont CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE VISUAL COMPATIBILITY Options#getUseNarrowButtons returns true by default. Although the narrow margins are the correct button margins, it leads to poor design if you don't ensure a reasonable minimum width for buttons with a short text, e.g. "OK". You can disable this feature using #setUseNarrowButtons(false), which was the behavior in the JGoodies Looks 1.x. Options.DEFAULT_LOOK_NAME is now PLASTICXP_NAME making PlasticXP the default L&f when chosen via the Options L&f names. PLASTICXP_NAME is also returned by Options#getCrossPlatformLookAndFeelClassName. On Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/2003/XP the JGoodies Windows L&f follows the "Microsoft Layout Specifications and Guidelines" even closer than the JGoodies Windows L&f version 1.3. Components that are arranged in a row have perceived bounds of 14 dialog units (dlu). Since Windows XP command buttons (in the default styles) have two transparent lines in the top and bottom, the concrete command button bounds are 2 pixels larger than for the textfield, combo, etc. If you lay out them in a row and center them vertically the perceived (aka visual) bounds will be aligned. On Windows Vista the JGoodies Windows L&f dimensions and insets are based on the "Windows Vista UX Guidelines" version 0.8. The JGoodies sizes differ slightly from the sizes recommended by these guidelines. For example the guidelines recommend to make a text field on 96dpi with normal fonts 20px tall, a combo 21px and buttons 22px (or 13dlu). The JGoodies Windows L&f uses consistent sizes, insets and font baseline positions for all components that are arranged in a row - just as recommended in all previous Windows editions, but based on 13dlu because the new default font Segoe UI is significantly taller. The default font chosen on Windows now honors the desktop font setting (Normal/Large/Extra Large) if supported by the Windows version, Windows language, and Java renderer. Microsoft recommends to use the desktop setting "font size" to get larger fonts, many applications ignore it and just scale with the software resolution (96dpi/120dpi). On 96dpi the new font doesn't differ from the font chosen by the Looks 1.x; it's Tahoma 8pt on modern Windows, and Segoe UI 9pt on Vista. On 120dpi the new font is 1px taller than the font used by the Looks 1.x. The Plastic L&f family uses Windows fonts on Windows and logical fonts on all other platforms. In the Looks 1.x most Plastic themes used the Tahoma font on all platforms. If Tahoma was absent, the logical fonts were used. VISUAL BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY We recommend to use the new default settings and it is strongly recommended to use the new font lookup on Windows. However, here's how you can get the appearance of the Looks 1.x. The configurations listed below must be performed before you install a look&feel. To get the wrong wide button margins, call: Options.setNarrowMargins(false). To use the Looks 1.x fonts in the Windows L&f use: WindowsLookAndFeel.setFontPolicy( FontPolicies.getLooks1xWindowsPolicy()); To use the Looks 1.x fonts in the Plastic L&fs use: PlasticLookAndFeel.setFontPolicy( FontPolicies.getLooks1xPlasticPolicy()); To give Plastic the new fonts on Windows and the Looks 1.x fonts on other platforms use: PlasticLookAndFeel.setFontPolicy( FontPolicies.getTransitionalPlasticPolicy()); You can customize the control font and menu font in the system properties for Windows and Plastic: java -jar -DWindows.controlFont="Tahoma-plain-11" -DWindows.menuFont="Tahoma-plain-12" -DPlastic.controlFont="Tahoma-plain-11" -DPlastic.menuFont="Verdana-bold-12" myapplication.jar If the menu font is not specified, the control font will be used for menus too. BUGS FIXED #10: Plastic looks can't display Chinese, Japanese, Korean. #50: ToolBar 3D effect ignores the orientation. #51: Windows combobox with custom render is too narrow. #60: Wrong combobox height in Java 5 and Java 6. #67: Wrong menu border in Windows XP L&f. #69: Broken menu item anti-aliasing in Java 5 or later. #70: Inconsistent bounds, insets and baselines on Windows Vista. #71: Password echo character too small on Windows Vista. #73: Windows L&f ignores the desktop control font size setting. #74: Color theme lost on Applet refresh. #79: Windows combobox too narrow. #80: Plastic combo arrow button is focusable in Java 6. #81: Wrong icon for "OptionPane.questionIcon" property. #83: Windows tabbed pane has line under selected tab in Java 5 or later if the content border is disabled. #84: Windows L&F combo margin too wide in table. #86: Windows combobox too narrow if the renderer has zero insets. #89: Plastic L&F editable combo margin too large in table. #90: Spinner does not stop the timer when loosing focus. #91: Progress invisible in Plastic Silver theme. #94: Windows default title font shall be plain not bold. #95: Display Windows toolbar drag handles. #96: Fix Windows formatted text field background. #97: Fix text area disabled/non-editable background. #98: Fix Windows disabled non-editable combo background. #100: Fix WindowsXP title color on Java 1.4.2. #101: Windows combo text phantom UI doesn't change with L&f. #102: Plastic menu doesn't restore opaque state. #103: Disabled menu items lack shadow in classic mode. #105: Menu items mnemonic display shall check for show/hide status. #108: JMenu on JPopupMenu not always drawn in selected state. #110: NPE with invalid default Plastic theme set via system props. #111: RTL menus have problems with accelerator alignment. #113: Combo popup with prototype ignores scrollbar visibility. #114: Accelerator text overlaps menu text if no-icons is set. #115: Need a fix for the Java bug 4530952. KNOWN ISSUES Plastic 3D effect broken on Mac OS X Tiger with Java 1.4 and 5. Due to a bug in the Tiger Java2D implementation, the pseudo 3D up and down effects are not rendered. Instead a plain white is painted. See also issue #92. NEW FEATURES #55: Add option to make combo popups wider than the combo. You can set a popup prototype display value that is used to determine with popup widths. o Narrow buttons can be disabled in the system properties. o Added a JPopupMenu client property for no-margin borders, see Options#NO_MARGIN_KEY. This is useful if a JPopupMenu contains a single component, for example a JScrollPane. o Added a JTextArea client property for an info background. This hint is used for non-editable areas that shall use the editable background, not the inactive background. DISTRIBUTION CHANGES o Merged the source folders 'src/common', 'src/plastic' and 'src/windows' to 'src/core'. o The sources no longer ship as a source Zip archive. They now come in the directory structure used by the CVS. This makes it easier to build the distribution using ANT. If you want to attach the library sources in an IDE, point to folder 'src/core'. OTHER CHANGES o The Windows and Plastic L&fs have been tweaked for Windows Vista. o Overhauled the Windows combobox layout and rendering. o Overhauled the Plastic combobox layout and rendering. o Improved appearance of the Looks Demo tabs on Windows. o The ANT build can now create a Maven bundle. o The demo's DemoFrame class accepts a parameter for the L&f: "Windows", "Plastic", "Plastic3D", "PlasticXP", or a full class name like: "com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel", "javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel". --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below the change history for older releases. JGoodies Looks, Version 1.3.2 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This update fixes a couple of bugs, most noticably in the drop shadow feature. Also the source code style has been slightly improved. BUGS FIXED #43: ShadowPopupFactory doesn't respect the lightweight property. #45: NPE in ShadowPopup.hide(). #47: JavaCup.gif reported missing in Windows L&f. #50: ToolBarUI doesn't take the orientation into account. #53: ClassCastException in ShadowPopup. #56: NPE in ShadowPopupFactory on OS X 10.4. OTHER CHANGES o Set 'build.compile.source' and 'build.compile.target' to '1.4' in the default.properties; build.xml honors these settings. o Improved the style of the Java sources: + removed some tab characters, + ensured consistent modifier order, + fixed JavaDoc tags. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below the change history for older releases. JGoodies Looks, Version 1.3.1 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This update fixes bug #38; it's worth to ship a new version. All other known non-font related issues could be fixed too. BUGS FIXED o #02: Plastic combo lacks 3D effect in 3D toolbar. o #36: Plastic l&fs lack auditory cues. o #37: Extra non-western themes don't work with Looks 1.3. o #38: Options#isTabIconsEnabled broken. o #39: Poor size for null values in combo box renderer. OTHER CHANGES o Core: Added two Plastic color themes intended for non-western fonts, see DesertBluerDefaultFont and ExperienceBlueDefaultFont. These themes ship in source form, are part of the binary jar, but are not installed as default themes. You can use these themes via PlasticLookAndFeel#setMyCurrentTheme(PlasticTheme). Via PlasticLookAndFeel#installTheme(PlasticTheme) you can include them in the list of known Plastic themes. o Core: PlasticXP spinner uses consistent button widths. o Dist: Startet a JUnit test suite. o Docs: Replaced older package names with the new names. o Build: ANT build file can perform JUnit tests. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below the change history for older releases. JGoodies Looks, Version 1.3 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This release fixes bugs and uses new package and class names. Java 1.5 is now supported, but some micro design improvements made in the Looks are optimized for Java 1.4.2 and Java 1.4.1. BUGS FIXED o Plastic internal frames use the outdated Java cup icon. o Inactive drop shadows still try to snapshot via the Robot. o Broken position calculation in Windows password field. o Broken custom table header in Windows XP style. o #04: Broken Windows JTabbedPane HTML word wrap. o #05: Plastic Theme and Tab Layout Policy. o #17: WindowsToolBarSeparatorUI not same in 1.4.1 and 1.4.2. o #18: Height of menu items with a custom icon. o #20: Popup drop shadow may be corrupted. o #23: Menu items not anti-aliased [in 1.5 with aa enabled]. o #24: Spinners drawn incorrectly. o #27: Plastic JTabbedPane scroll buttons unclear. o #28: Broken painting with custom combo renderer in 1.5. o #30: ShadowPopupBorder may throw a SecurityException. o #31: JToggleButton L&F not respecting icon text gap. CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE BINARY COMPATIBILITY o Package names changed from com.jgoodies.plaf to com.jgoodies.looks o ExtWindowsLookAndFeel -> WindowsLookAndFeel o All ClearLook classes have been removed from the Looks. These will show up as a LintLookAndFeel later. CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE VISUAL COMPATIBILITY o PlasticXP's password field paints a dot, not the star. KNOWN ISSUES For all issues see http://looks.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectIssues This release still lacks an improved font management for the Plastic l&f family on non-Windows platforms. For a workaround see issue #10. OTHER CHANGES o Core: Uses more shared UI instances. o Docs: Added and fixed version tags. o Dist: Fixed implementation title and vendor in the JAR manifest. o Dist: Fixed broken package information in the JAR manifest. o Demo: Added test case for all tab placements in both layouts. o Build: Added project name tag to the ANT build file. o Build: Added overview page.